Thursday, April 8, 2010

... adding a point to the last post...

Today I saw this video(again somefruitful moment during writing thesis ;P..)..I made it for one seminar session 3 years ago and it inspired me to write this post….

Regarding to my last post and especially the last part about „not doing anything that would fulfill me now“ I have some more words to say…I am just incredibly thankful I could have worked in AIESEC.. thankful for each failure…
…. each success
….each person that annoyed me
….each person that inspired me
….each person that disappoint me
....each person that made me laugh
…. each friend I found
….each argument with my parents explaining why I AGAIN will NOT come home for family celebration
….each place I visited each culture I got to know
….each “Nestiiihaaaaam “ (I caaant manage that!! Too much!)” and the final “Uff… to bola tesnotka, ale dali sme to!” (Uff was very tight, but we managed”
……really every single moment!

Yes, now I have friends all around the world, there are companies I made contacts with, yes there are plenty of places I visited ( so everything what we usually promise at infomeetings came true ;)-and it s great!


The real yield for me was that SUPERCOMPRESSED SCHOOL OF LIFE that was behind all that.. no “play or game” as my parents would call it :)…It was REAL and intense learning ..

If I would do the video in these days, for sure there would be now much much muuuuch more pictures and the small girl would maybe grow up even more.. but the general idea would be the same…
Now just having school- the girl is growing just a little..sure- there is some learning- BUT the process is not at all so exponential as it was in each of my last years in AIESEC.. So to all of you that are still there- I really recommend to use the most of opportunities it offers you!!

I am just curious if in any of my future jobs there will be the learning so powerful every single month as it was in this organization……..
….Now I am afraid that I am loosing or forgetting everything I learnt- I am afraid I will not be able to motivate people, or lead a team or project efficiently, that I m loosing my planning skills (sincerely now I could call myself “ the procrastinating time killer”…).. I have no evidence that I still have it cause I don’t have so many opportunities to prove it!!

On the other side- I still hope that this experience is like swimming:
When you learn it and you don’t swim for looong time, once you fall in water you won’t go deep, but you survive.. and even more you will move and swim somewhere to..

so… I cant wait I fall in water again!!!! :) or I could rather.. jump stright away than just wait to fall, right? ;)

1 comment:

Evca said...

dont worry, you will even learn how to swim differently and better ;)...