Thursday, January 1, 2009

Airport- 2008 reflection.

So finally came the day when I left Argentina and flew back to continent of my origin for Xmas Holiday.. From the beginning everything went smoothly – both flight I was flying were with very good companies and all the time I got seat next to the window what was just AMAZING.. I realized I really like to see the world form the top- to have overview- everything as in a palm J. Sao Paulo – never-ending city at night was really cool, then sunrise from the window above Atlantic ocean, watching snowy Pyreneye from the top..

The flight fro Sao Paulo to Amsterdam took 11 hours, and was first time I had my “own TV for me and I could choose any movie, any music, any game or TV show.. was cool- I wanted something soft and not thinking so I saw finally KingFu PandaJ, them finally listen to all CD of Colbie Cailat, some new signers that I did not know but I liked (and forgot to write down the name:S..) and falling asleep with Frank Sinatra singing.. J.. I ordered vegetarian food what was good because we got the food all the time as first so I did not have to wait until 50 people before me will get their portionsJ..

Only thing that spoilt the trip was the delay of flight from Sao Paulo to Amsterdam by 2 hours what meant that I could not catch the connection to Vienna.. and had to wait 7 hours at the airport in the Netherlands..on Xmas Eve..
... 24th December, all families in Slovakia and Czech republic preparing Xmas dinner, packing presents, watching fairytales in TV, listening to Xmas songs.. and me with few lonely people at the airport sitting, lying, walking.. trying to hurry the time somehow to be as soon as possible with our families..

Lying on a seat in a huge hall going through my diary and remembering what was happening the whole year.. sooooo many things..
just starting from January one year ago-I was at one time preparing a conference, preparing myself for MCP election, regularly updating X competition, finishing one relationship and starting other travelling to Brno and to Zlin for election and coaching visits…everything in one month.. that was crazy!!!

Generally all the half a year in MC Czech republic was mainly turning around conferences and each month is determined by some shortcuts like FM, NTM, PTC, SprinGo, ICX FM, KAM FM.. etc etc..:P

Going from one conference to another, from one meeting to another, traveling around Czech Republic but also to Russia to Sankt Petersburg, that was my first half a year in Czech republic.. January conference, when I was lost in the election- I somehow knew it was right thing.. I really had the feeling that it became because ef something.. but that time I had no idea what was the other thing..

That time I was very very tired and exhausted after giving my everything to this conference and election.. I did not know what to do next and even more I was very sad because my functional team of my VPICXs was finishing and I got new team.. the guys in new team were not worse- but,.. again was coming ..building good relationships, good communication, good working style everything what was already working perfectly in my last team.. and now in this time I really did not have energy to start something new..

The February was month of procrastination- delaying everything for next day and next day and next day..
That time I made several decisions that change the next months totally- one was that I chose a Brazilian girl for a short term CEED program in our MC – Julia, that came and it was a new wind that gave me energy J, and then it was applying to Southern Cone and new motivation for my next steps..

Top moments of 2008...

Teamleaders Functional meeting in February..
At sharing time when experienced Temaleaders were sharing what they have learned and experienced in their term as team leaders with the new ones.. these started their terms in September half year ago- and that time they were soooo scared.. full of questions and expectations.. Now I saw totally but TOTALLY different people- each of them grew by 100% and it was very visible in the words they were talking, the behavior and way of thinking..I really saw leaders there that will make change in their LCs and I was very very proud.. of them, of my and Bea (my NST- cause we created the framework and gave the education) and happy that AIESEC offer these impactful leadership opportunities because it really makes sense..

SpringCo in April and Newie track
That was something amazing! First time in my life I was responsible of newie track simulation and we did it much more advance and interconnected the track with externals, alumni, interns and EPs so that our newies had to interact and fulfill different tasks by involving these groups.. it was experiment and it worked!!
We made them to see how valuable is building these connections, how interesting information they can get .. in addition the whole experience for them and for our faci team was very intense from the morning to the evening but the energy that was generated at the closing of newie track and standing ovations was incredible thanks to all the nights we did not sleep and dedicated to development of this track..
Also here was very visible how people were learning and I realize dhow much it makes me happy to see when the job we are doing really makes a change..

Zlin Best LC
On the same conference the LC I was coaching was applying for best LC.. From the beginning when we started to work together they had dream to be the BEST LC of AIESEC Czech Republic . I really liked the work with EB, sometimes kick their ass, sometime recognize things they are doing well, sometimes direct a bit.. each visit I had there was for me very cool XP, and knew how much time and energy they invested in the LC to make it work and bring results.
During the Award Ceremony I was sitting with Zlin people, all of us were holding the hands and waiting who will get the Award- the competition was strong- Prague and Brno.. and ZLIN GOT IT!! I was just amazingly happy and very very proud again! Zlin showed that even small LC in small city can rock and be the best!

My Czech MC team family
It was not one moment but the whole term that I was working with very very special group of people in my Czech MC team..
Starting from guys Jaro Radim and Lukas - very very very smart and very very very funny guys that I love with all my heart!!! And girls- Peta, Petula and Barca- 3 strong professional girls and great friends I could share everything.. All these people impacted me very much. By working together, living together, spending hard and nice times- I took from each of them beside great memories and experiences something that made me grow.

And the whole Southern Cone XP
This I was describing widely in last posts so just to summarize- last half a year was really huge learning and self discovering XP when I had to move from total bottom somewhere up and fight.. Accepting the culture, learning the language, finding new friends and new lifestyle.. Buidling and rebuilding relationships, finding way to totally but TOTALLY different personalities and trying to understand them..even more a lot of travelling, getting to know Argentina and Chile, visiting incredible places…
Because all of this I can say that my last half of the year was one of the most impactful, enriching and developing experiences I ever had.. and it did not finish yet.. I m in the half and I have huge expectations form the second one..

..was cool 2008..:)..

..lets see what will bring 2009..

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