I should be studying microeconomics, but I m just thinking about something that I am going to write.. I just need to put that down, to free my mind and focus on my university stuff again..;)
Yesterday with one of my friends I was a bit discussing what is Leadership for us and who is for us a or better.. THE Leader..
And I just want to open this topic here..cause... I m starting to be fed up with these weird understanding of leader as dictators, kings or gods..I m fed up with perception like Leader = Good speaker, Leader = has the power and uses it, Leader = president/manager/ person with status, Leader= Entrepreneur… Leader = TOP intelligent person …
I m not saying a leader should not have these characteristics or that they are not important for the leader..
I just want to say that there are some more important things without which a person just can NOT be a LEADER..
.. for me personally.. I want to share my philosophy of Leadership that I m trying to keep from my side……maybe somebody will join this opinion..
It happened to me several times that I lost so much trust in people I truly believed in and followed at the beginning until I suddenly realized there was no true in their words.. just some theater! I felt so much BETRAYED!
….How some people can admire somebody who has amazing speech about some cool things, values and behaviors, trying to motivate others and then does something different? How I can admire and follow somebody who I do not see INTO? How I can follow somebody that I don’t have TRUST to?
Talking about LEADER- I want to see a person that does have INTEGRITY of his/her thoughts, words and behaviors! I wanna see person that shows me his/her TRUE SELF.
2nd thing that I see in many of my friends that I truly admire that they that they know themselves so good and know What matters to them and what NOT..
They know WHAT is important for them....
WHO is important to them, who matters and who not..
They know HOW they want to spend their life with- what people, WHAT place, WHAT environment, in WHAT activities, WHAT LEGACY they want to leave and in what NOT…
Knowing this they just know what is wrong and what is right - they can say NO because they know it is NOT the right thing on their path in life, they say YES because they are totally persuaded and you can even feel it from each of their cell..
And behind each “YES” and “NO” you understand the “WHY” !
And seeing, feeling, understanding this in them inspires me.. this is how they IMPACT me and others this is how I trust them,… This is how I become a follower!
…. And I m really happy I can say I know this about me…I know what I want..
And here I m coming to the 3rd point .. just if I know what I want, and what matters to me- I VALUE and APPRECIATE the people and things around me..
Ooooh how I hate when some people who gain the position feel so “strong” and “powerful” and show it to the others… Just by stupid joking or criticizing about other people because “now they can now they got selected what means they are more clever than others” .. feeling as a middle of the universe… Don’t have to learn anything more… This just makes me so crazy!! (... and even more when I catch myself to do it as well...... that time I would kick my ass if I would be able to!)
I so much would like to see LEADERS keeping HUMBLENESS.. and look at the things form different point of views..
I sooo much would love to see them learning from the people around…
… and appreciate job of the superiors and subordinates even more......
And the same I want from Followers…..
I just want all of them- the leaders and the followers-
...to act according to their dreams and values
…and to trust, respect and learn from their environment……
Do I want so much???